Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

Hey hey. * Firaa Ann * Currently staying at Sungai Petani, Kedah . * Love listening to musics, Love chocolates . * Takyah takot ngn aku , aku ok ja ngn semua org . LOL . :p
-That's me
The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

Nak facebook aku? :D -just search Firaa Ann , do add me :D

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Miyaa Manik Airina Aida Liyana Wafa Wan Enrique Iglesias Justin Bieber Aliff Akmal Sarah Emily Shazlinda Ruzana Noelle Oceané

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“Fira Creepy !”
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Thursday, February 17, 2011 || 10:04 AM

Ok guys ! Harini aku nak cita sai SUFIAH NAJWA! budak yg ketot gilaa :) requested by AIDA! LOL ! :) aku dgr cita ni dri dak2 form 1 aa kan..

dak ni...dia pndah kedah dri putraya kot tk silap aku ! aku tk taw la...dia mmg ketot gilaa ! hehe..aku rsa dwarfs pon tinggi dri dia..ceyh2! tk la smpai cm tu ! aku saja ja wt truk ! HAHA ! tpi lau hmpa suma tgk dia..mmg hmpa tk cayaa aa yg dia tuh dak form 1 ! hehe..aku tk taw la apa kena ngn mata dia...tpi mata dia cm...ala2..mata pnda...<--- aku tk mksudkan apa2..aku un tk perfect :) ]

n...time agama..aida p kcaw dak tu :) aku taw aida serbiaa ! HAHA ! well..as usual :D she always done that laa ! kesian gila kt sufiah tu...liyana lak p trik tudung si sufiah tu...kesian gila..=.+" dia tu cam..cmna nk g taw hah..bodo ada..blur ada..bongek ada..pstu dia jenis KALOT ! kalot gila! HAHA ! dia cakap un kalot..cm ckp lam stu nafas ja ! HAHA ! tdi time solat...aku usha dia :D diaa tk reti pkai telenkung dia sndiri,..dia pnjam dak len nya..dia solat un sorang2..lau ckgu tnya pa2..dia volunteer laa ! haha ! nseb gigi dia tk jongang cm kausalya ! lau tk leh kata adek kepada kakak kausalyaa dah :) dia sukaa gila ckap kl ! wlaupun dia dah dok kedah 1 tahun lebih ! bukan nak apa aa...tpi ! majority kedah tk sukaa bila org yg leh ckp kedah..ckap kL ? faham  ark ? HAHA ! aku taw hmpa suma tk fhm ! aku un tk fhm apa aku cakap..berbelit2! :)

lol! ni laa diaa :)

^^ so...AIDA N LIYANA ! jgn buli dia sangat ! aku kesian tgk dia ! 

aaaa  ! arini abg aku balek! ceyh....seksaaa !! dia sukaa arah aku.."fira...p amek ! bwat !" <------- ayt ni aku tk sukaaaaaa ! ish ! 

|| 8:54 AM

aku ngh men QUIZZILA! lol..

You are....... PRISSY BRAT!

You always have your way <-- lebih kurang ! ada style kaa ?  rasa nya tkdak ! tk leh dipercayai btoi quiz ni !  and may be popular. eeeeeee  ! popular ? tkdak psai eh! You are extremely stubborn, AAAAAAAAA ! tk stuju gilaa ! HAHA ! and if something doesn't go your way you throw a fit. ya kaa...You consider acting out "weird", jahat gila quiz nii !!  and may or may not work hard in highschool. HAHA ! btoi2 ! malass ! :) 

You are outgoing!

You are really outgoing and love to be around friends. People like you because you always have your way of smiling and making people's day. You are kind and sweet !! LOL ! bodo gilaa...nk bodek wt pa tak taw ! HAHA ! 
Go to school !

You supposed to be at school? What the hell are you doing being at home taking tests like this you bum. whoaa this quiz is sooo annoyingg !gila kaa pa nk p skolah malam2 cm ni! haish..tk logic !

Your socializing skills

People love someone who likes to hang out with their friends. You love your friends! yay ! HAHA ! agaknyaa btoi la bnda ni :)

You like it when someone tells you they love you. Whether it be an outright and direct "I love you" or less noticeable like "You did a great job" or "You look great in that". You feel the most loved when someone notices your achievements or tells you they love you ! eh..ya kaa..tk laa ! ewww ! -.-

Your path is leading the right way

Your not lost. Your doing great in this crazy, beautiful life. You learned how to laugh at the rain & spread your arms wide open, soaking in the love. Even if you feel down, you know a way to make it all better again. Everyone loves you just the way you are ! bodo gilaa ! HAHA ! just the way you are konon ! ada gaqk dok kutuk2 aku ! haha !

i got to go guys ! :)